Friday, May 15, 2020

The Super Bowl Xvii Essay - 1049 Words

The year was January 22, 1984. During the third quarter of the Super Bowl XVII, the ramming Raiders dominated the field with an extra touchdown, thus leaving the washout Redskins at a bust. Americans were absolutely enthralled by the silver and gold spectacle being played out before them. In this moment of grand jubilee, the colorful pulsating screens across the nation suddenly went dark. An ominous silence pervaded the air for a few moments. Then an eerie tune sung out. Images of mindless drones were projected. Their faces, although human, were expressionless and cold. They all marched forward in perfect unison. In this dreary dystopia, only the sound of a single voice can be heard. The voice of an all-powerful and all-seeing tyrant. His ominous face loomed over a gigantic screen. A woman surged forward—an army of strongmen ran after her in pursuit—and relinquished a sledgehammer onto the projection. In this single moment the launch of a revolution began. Without ever showing the audience their product, the Mackintosh computer, Apple is able to masterfully incorporate a message of originality, rebellion, and liberation through their ingenious use of allusion, dialogue, and appeal to pathos. The desolate and dreary dystopian society of Oceania is the setting to Apple’s Mackintosh commercial. This is a direct allusion to George Orwell’s renowned novel, 1984. In this fictional society, Oceania is a nation that is governed by an oppressive totalitarian government. The ominousShow MoreRelatedA Description of the History of the NFL Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageslater known as the Super Bowl. This merger allowed the city of New Orleans to add an NFL team, the Saints. In 1970 the leagues officially merged under the name, National League Football. The NFL then adopted many of the rules that the AFL had, such as the on-field game clock, names on the back of jerseys, and added more southern teams. 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